Posts tagged safety
Halloween COVID Safety Tips

While we all love and enjoy the traditions of Halloween, this year we need to be extra vigilant due to COVID-19. Traditional Halloween activities are fun, but some can increase the risk of getting or spreading COVID-19 or influenza. The following are some general recommendations curated from the CDC, OSHA, National Safety Council and more.

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Exposure Control Plan: Coronavirus (COVID-19)

As the threat of the Coronavirus continues to expand globally, it is important that employers develop an exposure control and response plan as well as provide training to impacted employees. To help, ESM has developed training tools for employers to use as a framework from which to mitigate the exposure. Click for more information.

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Penalties, Safety and the Reptile Brain

Being proactive with safety is part of our human makeup. Millions of years of evolution has expanded our neocortex all the while storing logic that defines safe and unsafe behaviors. This part of our brain known as the Reptile Brain, understands three behaviors: fight, freeze or flight. Find out about Cal-OSHA serious penalties, hazard assessment and how we can learn from our reptile brain.

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Three Steps to Avoiding LC 132(a) and S&W Penalties

When it comes to the California Workers’ Compensation system, it is much easier to avoid penalizing situations than it is to fight them.  So, how do we avoid getting slapped with costly penalties?  There are three steps:  Understand the Labor Codes driving your exposure, come up with a plan of action to avoid the exposure and implement it. Click to read more.

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Employers beware of increased employee taxes and Workers’ Comp premiums!

The Governor’s proposed 20-21 Budget includes “$17.5 million and 103.5 positions in 2020-21 to 2022-23, funded by various special funds, to implement Chapter 296, Statutes of 2019 (AB 5) and to address increased investigations of worker status, wage claim filings, and workplace health and safety inspections.” Click to read more.

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Preventing Violence in Our Workplaces

Recently, there seems to be an almost palpable and growing concern of violence occurring in our communities, schools and workplaces. At the same time there is a confusing dynamic. The issue of workplace violence seems to dominate our news feeds (and interest) in a very predictable manner; for a few days, or weeks after a high-profile incident occurs, then the energy fades.

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Organizing and Effective Safety Committee

An active and effective safety committee whose membership and functions are reflective of the company’s size, complexity, and operating exposures will play a key role in the overall performance of that company.  The Safety Committee is established to be of benefit first and foremost to the employees it represents, but it is also established as a safeguard and protector of the Company’s assets. 

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