Return To Work (RTW)
A Return-To-Work (RTW) program is designed to help employees remain a productive member of your workforce without impeding their recovery or risking additional injury. Having an effective RTW program helps reduce Workers’ Compensation costs, control Experienced Modification (X-Mod), facilitate the injured worker’s recovery, and increase the potential for a positive resolution of the claim.
Why Return To Work
benefits of implementing a RTW program:
Reduce or avoid temporary or permanent disability payments
Reduce medical costs as injured workers experience faster recoveries when they remain at work in a work environment that is congenial with their physical capacity
Reduce or avoid litigation
Discourage fraudulent claims
Compliance with FEHA through the Interactive Process
Improve productivity and morale among all employees
Avoid the replacement and training costs of hiring a new employee
Identify cross-training opportunities that enhance employees’ abilities in their jobs
Increase awareness of safe work practices and injury prevention
Program Development
The goal of the RTW programs is to help you achieve your objectives including reducing your Workers’ Compensation costs and controlling your X-Mod. There are program development steps that need to be done before launching the RTW program to your organization.
RTW Program Objectives
A successful RTW program:
Allows the employee to remain in the work force and resume productive employment as soon as possible.
Enables the employee to gradually overcome medical restrictions through a transitional period of modified-duty, work reconditioning assignments.
Complies with all applicable parts of Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and with all appropriate parts of the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA).
Complies with all applicable laws including California’s Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA)
Reduces number of loss work days
Minimizes total cost of the claim