School District Risk Management
Managing School District risks can be extremely challenging and often overlooked. ESM recognizes the importance that our Administrators play in ensuring our students and community are safe from hazards. Our strategic roadmap has provided Districts with identifying and managing risk, which keeps our educators healthy, safe and teaching our future generations. find out below how our services have helped one District reduce their injury frequeny by 51% and a direct savings of over $170,000 per policy year through Return To Work.
Establishing Goals
Developing a risk management plan to reduce the cost and impact of Workers' Compensation is a District priority. In working with School Districts, ESM has developed a strategic plan that focuses on achieving District goals, which is to keep staff and community safe from exposure. Strategic Initiatives include:
Claims management. Active oversight of your claims will minimize the cost and impact of Workers’ Compensation claims. Don’t expect your TPA to be actively managing your claims for the best possible outcome. Trust, but verify!
Return To Work. Through effective and active return to work, Districts can reduce Temporary Disability costs that drive the cost of the claim up. Let ESM help you establish Temporary Alternative Duties (TADs) that help reduce lost days and frictional claim costs.
Inspections ESM has completed thousands of property, liability & safety audits for JPAs and stand-alone Districts. We have developed technology to streamline audits and corresponding dashboards that highlight site scores, results and deficiencies.
“ESM has provided consistent support and education to assist with making Campbell Unified School District’s Workers’ Compensation program the lowest rate in the area.
CUSD has reduced our number of claims by 51% over the past 4 years and saved over $173,320 in direct Return To Work savings during one policy year alone.”
School District Clients
Claims Management Oversight
ESM’s Claims Management oversight and advocacy provides education to better manage a District's Workers’ Compensation claims and most valuable assets - teachers and administrators, all classified support staff, and our maintenance team. We work with Human Resouces to ensure that the District is assigned the best adjuster at the Third Party Administrator and coordinate and facilitate claims reviews for the best possible ethical, legal and financial outcome. ESM claims management services include:
Provide monthly claims reviews and education with dedicated staff
Develop internal claims procedures for effective injury management
Provide MSA training and procedures to dedicated staff
Schedule and facilitate quarterly claims reviews with the TPA
Continue to evaluate TPA claims management activities and results
Provide oversight on claims to ensure prompt resolution
Provide quarterly reports tracking progress of claim closure strategies
Continue revision of claims kit for District wide training
Monthly Loss trending reports
Click here to learn more about our Claims Management services
Property, Liability, Safety & CPTED (WVPP) Inspections
As part of a JPA/SIG, a school district can be required to complete various safety inspections are part of their insurance program, or may want to complete site inspections to ensure their school is mitigating potential risk to students, staff and the community. ESM has completed thousands of school safety audits and has developed technology to better serve the District’s needs. This includes:
Using ESM’s custom digital inspection application, a physiscal safety audit of the interior and exterior of all buildings including property, liability, safety, chemical and Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) exposures is completed.
A comprehensive report including a list of positive and negative hazards found, a priority for the correction of deficiencies (i.e., low, medium, high), a corrective action tracking system to make notes and enter the date action was completed, and also an audit score by site.
Each District also recieves an analytics summary report that includes inspection scores by site and by category for identifying problem sites and deficiencies.
A quarterly summary report/presentation shall be provided to the SIG Board providing a status update and analytics of current results (as needed).
Return To Work
We understand the importance of staying proactive with safety efforts as well as the difficulties of being vigilant over a District’s safety needs ESM Return To Work services include:
Provide monthly RTW reviews and education with dedicated staff
Develop, revise and/or modify the RTW program
Develop Light Duty tracking matrix for identifying RTW cost savings
Provide ongoing situational analysis and consulting
OSHA 300 log trending and analysis
Develop FEHA scenarios to test/audit effectiveness of the Interactive Process