California sun is here…and with it the heat!
Cal-OSHA’s Heat Illness standard (Title 8, Chapter 4, §3395: requires employers to have a Heat Illness Prevention Plan. Not having a policy, procedure and conducting the required training could result in employee illnesses, increased X-mods, higher insurance premiums and Cal/OSHA citations!
Your Heat Illness Prevention must comply with these four steps:
(INSITE users type in keyword Heat Illness Prevention for a complete HIPP program)
In 2011, Assembly Bill 2774 expanded the definition of a “Serious” injury, which includes an impairment standard that outlines the possibility of heat illness (“…internal injuries even though skin surface may be intact, respiratory illnesses…”). A “serious” injury could result in an $18,000 fine!
As of April 2019, there have been several proposed amendments to Cal-OSHA’s Heat Illness Standard. Most importantly is the addition of Indoor Heat:
The proposed changes define Indoor and may be adopted as follows: “Indoor” refers to a space that is under a ceiling or overhead covering that restricts airflow; and is enclosed along its entire perimeter by walls, doors, windows, dividers, or other physical barriers that restrict air flow, whether open or closed.
Here are 10 Precautions to Avoid Heat Stress:
Gradually adjust to heat when new to a job or after a two-week or longer absence
Drink about 16 ounces before starting, and 5 to 7 ounces every 15 minutes during hot work
Eat well-balanced meals, avoiding heavy or hot food, alcohol and caffeine
Work at a steady pace, minimizing overexertion
Take regular breaks in a cool, well-ventilated area
Know your own limits and ability to work safely in heat
Use general ventilation, cooling fans, and evaporative cooling whenever possible
Plan the most strenuous work for the coolest parts of the day
Wear loose, lightweight clothes. Wear a hat and use sunscreen to work outdoors
Take fast action for symptoms of heat cramps, exhaustion, or heat stroke