How to Properly Complete Your OSHA 300 Form
As you should be aware, your OSHA Form 300A Summary must be posted (“in a visible location”) from February 1st, 2021 to April 30th, 2021, EVEN IF no work-related injuries or illnesses occurred during the year.
Although there are a few partial exemptions from recordkeeping (found here), the majority of California employers are required to post the form and submit your 300A to Fed/OSHA’s ITA system by March 2nd, 2021. There are also submission exemptions for employers with 250 or more employees (found here) and employers with 20 to 249 employees (found here), but the majority will need to submit their form by the above date. Click below for our recent webinar where we review the following:
OSHA 300 Did You Knows
How to complete the OSHA 300
Tracking COVID cases on the form
Submitting to Fed/OSHA ITA
Tools for tracking trends and setting goals
Stay safe…wear a mask!