ESM Solutions, Inc. 
Reducing Workers' Compensation Risk & Cost.


ESM's Commitment

ESM Solutions upholds its unwavering commitment to instilling safety as a key organizational value which reduces an employers' exposure to injury and illness. The quality of our commitment is best evidenced by our proven track record of private and public sector client retention and the quality of our solutions.


ESM Services

ESM Solutions is a total risk management solutions provider assisting employers with reducing the cost and impact of workplace injury. Our workplace tailor-made solutions instill commitment of management, develop and track measurable goals, and ensure best practice procedures.

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ESM Delivers Results

Our vision is to provide employers with education and resources focused on preventing and managing workplace illness and injury ultimately reducing the risk and cost associated with Workers’ Compensation. ESM provides the following key values:

  • Expertise in the Workers’ Compensation industry
  • Compliance with OSHA and Workers' Compensation Regulatory Requirements
  • Cost control services that provide a proven ROI
  • Accountability for scalable and sustainable results

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Education & Updates

Education is an integral part to the success of an organization. Competent and educated personnel allow for an organization to operate efficiently and effectively. The very nature of Workers’ Compensation encompasses risk and the ever-changing laws, standards and regulations make continuing education imperative. While your job is to manage your organization, it is our job to stay abreast of the changing Workers’ Compensation environment and disseminate that information to you.

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Our Vision

Our Vision

Our vision is to provide employers with education and resources focused on preventing and managing workplace illness and injury ultimately reducing the risk and cost associated with Workers' Compensation.


We are committed to delivering risk management services that provide value to all stakeholders.

— Anthony Poston, CEO

Part of Your Team

Part of Your Team

ESM Supplements and compliments an employer's risk management needs. providing them with time to manage other important aspects of their business.