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Does an Employer Pay for Time Off for Medical Appointments?

Question: Does an employer have to pay for time off work for medical appointments for an employee with a Workers’ Compensation claim?

Answer: The employer is only obligated to pay the employee on the day of injury for time to go to the doctor. After that, there is no legal obligation for the employer or the carrier to pay an employee for time off work for medical or physical therapy appointments. However, it is a good idea to do so! Doing this encourages employees to continue their medical treatment and therapy. It also demonstrates the employer's good faith effort to support their recovery.

First, encourage the injured worker to schedule their medical or physical therapy appointments before or after their work hours, if possible. The employee can also use accrued sick or vacation time for medical appointments.

Next, create a written policy that can be included in the post-injury claim packet to give to an employee when an injury occurs. If you choose to pay, you can limit the amount of paid time off for medical appointments. 

Sample Policy:

Modify to fit your Company policies and procedures

Workers’ Compensation Medical Appointment Procedures

[Employer] has selected medical facilities to provide treatment following an injury that are easily accessible for both travel and parking. Employees are expected to travel directly from work to the medical clinic for their scheduled appointments.

Travel time: up to 15 minutes from work to Medical Clinic.

  • Work time: up to 2 hours allowed and paid for by [Employer] for each appointment.  

  • Applies until the employee reaches MMI, Maximum Medical Improvement.

  • Applies up to one year from the date of injury.

Procedure after doctor appointments:

After the doctor’s appointment, all employees must do the following:

  1. Report back to HR or their supervisor.

  2. Present the Medical Work Status immediately after each doctor’s visit.

  3. Discuss with the supervisor or manager to adjust or remove work restrictions.

  4. Clock in upon coming-in and/or returning to work.

  5. Be aware that disciplinary action can be taken if the employee’s travel time exceeds the allocated time above and the time off is not cleared.


Employee Acknowledgement Signature  

